Sunflowers In Winter
Sunflowers in Winter
I planted seeds, at the wrong time,
never thinking they would come up.
Why would I do that?
Hope, faith, joy, and ultimately…
He told me to keep moving when things were dead stop.
He told me I had value, when the bills were more than I could pay.
He told me there would be enough, and there was.
Every time.
I probably would do better, if I followed directions.
If I could do more in an hour than I do.
If I had a better memory, as I once had before.
I am just me. I bring my bible to church and read along.
I do the work set before me.
I miss things on the dishes, and forget to put out the trash.
Not all the time, but some time.
Did you know that the ends of celery and lettuce could be replanted?
Did you know you could make your own soap, and pour paint pictures?
The world is moving faster, and I seem to be slowing down.
I listened (to God’s word), and continue to follow… “move forward”.
I will just have to be the last one there.
That too…
will be okay.