I awake and look at you, the Sun rising from the east reminds me of your smiling eyes,
Inflamed with passion yet soft and sparkling, reflecting rays of love as you smile at me, our lips embrace, our bodies entwine.
A cloudless bright blue sky and the charming golden Sun enveloping us as we walk hand in hand across serene white sands, birds singing dawns early chorus as we lay a heart shaped pattern of pristine white stones around our names written in sand.
I deliver a plethora of kisses to your soft, delicate lips and smile, holding you in my arms as we bathe in the gentle waves of a crystal blue ocean.
Nothing could ever compare to the love we have, and as we watch the Sun set I reflect on a feeling of love I have never felt before, nor will again, you are love in all it's glory and every last beat of my heart belongs to you.