Love Poem: Sun's Shadow
Alex W. Avatar
Written by: Alex W.

Sun's Shadow

The Sun’s Shadow burning 
Through It All…
Rough exterior masks the heart 
longing to love within him…
False happiness and 
contentment hides the 
wounded lover within her…
Joined in limitless love at the 
hands of fate…
Separated and alone in all but 
their love…
Plagued by illness and deceit…
lack of contact tarnishes the 
mutual joy…
Hope of eventually meeting…
keeps their broken hearts 
Her tears long for his comfort…
His broken body longs for her 
Their hearts dwell on their past 
Wishing they could be 
Knowing they must wait…she 
stays for him and mourns him…
Knowing he must fight…he 
takes comfort in her endless 
affection…and prepares to fight 
his demons…
Her troubled past has cracked 
her heart and left it longing for 
His heart longs to fill the 
holes…longs to make her 
She clings to the hope of 
having him…and is sustained on 
desperate prayers alone…
Her longing banishes the 
Shadow of the Sun…and gives 
way to a woman and problems 
the world has never been 
allowed to see…
Through it all…he lives on her 
prayers and shares her 
strength...their forbidden love 
all that keeps them here 