Superhero Kindness Spreads From One Person To Another
It always feels good to give
That's the way we all should live
Helping someone who's in need
Allowing the world to succeed
In being more loving and kind
Leaving hatred far behind
Lend a hand or helping shoulder
Young, a teen, or even older
Everyone has super powers
Those in times of desperate hours
Need us to use them full force
Sending troubles way off course
Making a less cloudy day
Sunshine lighting up the way
So they can move closer toward
Paying acts of kindness forward
To a soul who's lost and sad
Remembering they too once had
A secret hero to make sure
The worse days are now pure
And full of loving happiness
Now passing it to the rest
Of the world one at a time
Our earths help meter will soon climb
A full 100 percent
Hand in hand we can invent
A place to live without the sorrow
Looking at a bright tomorrow