Supernova Skies
And who's to blame??? Riding supernovas trail across the celestial sky ~
Escaping the realities of which always fill these, my weary eyes....
Wishing to make a heart smile and or to brighten anothers spirit; inside
Bringing hope in a world cracked to be broken unto its cerements core
Wherein the majority of life truly do not live at all; not really!?
Painting with pastels dipped into fragrant oils amid these sanctums
Ointments, to cover the sores within this lingering mask of death....
Trapped aneath its box of misfit dreams; as lights continue to fade away
In a hand full of sand upon this shore; existence, slipping into the sea?!
Tainted; lives struggling everyday to grasp but another breath of fresh air
Gathering a morsel of food upon their empty and ofttimes, poisoned plates
To awake without a dream that none of them have ever seen; these....
....“Supernova Skies” *