Surrendered Love
caress me with soft love
and a lullaby it would sing a starry night
up above
fierce flame will burn
harmony of passion will light
breath kiss
by candle light
fleeting glance awakes Love
bathing in afterglow moon's light
Minichu form by: Mohan Chutani
to late for the contest
1. This is a New form of Rhyme named MlNICHU (proposed by Mohan Chutani)
2. Total12 lines (4 stanzas of 3 lines each)
3. Rhyme scheme: Aba, cBc, dbD, ABD.
4. 4th stanza consists of repeat of 1st line of stanza1, 2nd line of stanza 2, and 3rd line of stanza 3.
Poem should stick to a chosen theme through all stanzas. A twist can be introduced in third stanza, if required by the theme, to make it more interesting.
5. Syllable count :
Stanza 1: 6,12,3 (3 times 2,4,1)
Stanza 2: 4,8,2 ( 2 times 2,4,1)
Stanza 3: 2,4,1
Stanza 4: 6,8,1.