sway -
Sway over me,
my weeping willow ...
twist and twirl in the
whisk of a mistral,
beget of precise desire.
Supple branches to
arc en Arabesque,
wistful and prurient,
your yielding boughs,
bowed in contours to
seduce languid hearts.
Mine, a simpleton's folly
to the unwary prey be,
a beguiled harlequin
rendered your vamp,
the torrid martyr of
an earthly Jezebel's ire,
offered up willingly to
your arborous gallows,
if but just once to join,
to twirl and twist and
mingle and entwine ...
if but just once to dance
with my weeping willow ...
and sway.
~ 1st Place ~ in the "July 2017 Premiere Poetry Contest", Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.