Sweep Me Off My Delicate Feet
Sweep me off my delicate feet,
share with me tomorrow’s sorrows-
Fight for me, turn up the heat,
come closer love and don’t retreat,
your tenderness I shall borrow.
Take me to lands so far away,
so I may never wish to return-
I am awaiting the lovely day
our vows are spoken as the lilies sway,
your gentleness I shall always yearn.
I had a fever before you came near,
chills ran down my spine with sweat-
I finally let go of all the fear,
as you wiped away one crystal tear,
now your kindness I shan’t forget.
Forgotten was I until you rescued me,
you found me traveling in the cold-
Now I am free, my blind eyes see,
as we pick hearts from our loving tree,
for better or worse, to have and to hold.
I need not moments that allow pain,
I crave hours and days that bring a hush-
And in our passion, romance shall remain,
on my canvas you left a yellow oil stain,
caressed with grace from an artisan’s brush.
October 30, 2017