Sweet Jesus
On the day our eyes open to the prism of the sun
Winter solitude would be gone.
The avalanche of differences melts into nothingness.
Through the same breath,through the same soul
We would live again as one,no matter who we are
No matter what the colour of our skin,straight or gay
Innocent or once guilty,rich or poor
Lawyers,doctors,prisoners,drug victims or peasants.
No matter what our politcal believes,nor our different religions.
A catholic,a muslim,a buddhist,a hindu or a jew.
On that day we would all wear identical dresses
We would all be the significant other,because He has died
and He has died for all.Jesus died for Peter,John and Judah
For lazarus, and Maria Magdalene.Jesus died for me
He has died for you,for him,for her,and even for them.
He shed his last drop of blood and painful cry
for each and every name engraved upon his father's hand-palm.
He was born to die,but its not death that we celebrate
We celebrate His life,because we believe in life
We celebrate His forgivness,because we experienced
the beauty of forgivness,the serenity,the return of blissful joy.
And we embrace the ever present love
Because it is the gift of love that He bestowed on us.
Jesus was born to die,but He was born to rise
Upon death He Has risen,through His death we survived.
Because of Him in the darkness,along the labyrinth of our night
There will always be the little flicker of a candle
filling our hearts with hope and warming light.