sweet poison, mine -
'I love you' moistens on your lips
I watch it, breathless, as it drips
coating, sweet, my foolish heart
now hopeless in its guileful grips
once I trilled that phrase to you
so sweetened it was mostly true
yet now there's bitter aftertaste
that sourly whispers chilled adieu
how often have I played the game
and uttered myths, the very same
fomenting, then, those like replies
that light the apt and artful flame?
I feign to count them in my head
those subtle stories told, instead
of placing faith for righteous love
and by that honest heart, be led
so now the gambol's back to me
to deal through cold inclemency
its keening card, the last guffaw
and not waste efforts on a plea
you drizzle damp, the lie again
the ruin of much stronger men
I swallow thus the poison mine
to tend my heart its last amen.
~ 1st Place ~ in the "Love Poem" Poetry Contest, Heidi Sands, Judge & Sponsor.