Sweet Remembrance of You
Caught between the sun and pavement,
Hand in hand and yet apart,
Each one’s friend, but each other’s case,
To the end from the start;
There was no other door,
There was no other way,
For us to live;
We triumphed in the night,
Succeeded in the light,
Each time;
We knew only right and wrong,
Would forever keep us strong,
Never quizzing the road ahead,
We resolved to proceed;
Finding friends and finding knowledge,
We would feel like man and wife,
Resting on each others’ minds,
We declared truth in life;
No matter where we were,
No matter how we did,
We knew we were tall,
Whoever would inquire,
Whoever would aspire,
We loved;
Sometimes hand in hand together,
We’d assert transparency.
Lyrics for Sweet Remembrance of You contest
Lyrics start when violin begins