Sweet Small Kisses Under a Starry Sky
In the field down on his knees
Holding my hand
His truth being voiced to me
Being afraid that he is loving me too soon
Falling for me, I’ve already fallen for him
Sweet small kisses under a starry sky
Can I say that I love him?
I can see myself loving him
Waiting for more time to pass
As a face is planted needily into my stomach arms wrapped around legs and
Hands caressing tendrils of gold
Muffled words being spoken
“Don’t go”
Repeatedly, as if saying them more could make reality change
Moments pass, wet grass soaking tattered threads
Sweet small kisses under a starry sky
Suspicion raised
Afraid of being caught
A month difference
We take to the lighted street
Still sighing over sweet small kisses under a starry sky