Love Poem: Sweet Sublime

Sweet Sublime

Sweet sublime
the taste of an oyster
strange cold and true
like drinking sea water but not being sick

being lifted up

A lime...tart and liquid dipped 
and it dives
then lifts me up...I feel lighter

a hot water shower...such comfort 
is truly one...a child's gift of sublime

Give me lemons and limes
give me oysters and little neck clams
give me raw tuna and salad and ice cream
give me life!
That I can not argue with you about anything that went before

make me breath 
in simple pleasures

bread oven warm with butter 
and a dash of salt or served with Italian true deep green olive oil

give me white napkins and music...Italian...or French or Sinatra
 music playing ...sweeping me
Give me Opera lifting questing searching striving attaining height

lift me up with lighting...
the suns cast at end of day
sideways glances...illuminating the bushes...the greens 
the shadows it casts
chairs become monuments to time when someone sat there and a mere limb on a tree become symphony

rescue me with grace and glory...simple and little and priceless

let me remember always the smell of coffee downstairs
that a friend has made
 in my decadent leisure of sleeping in
when I was meant to get up and make coffee that they could wake to that scent
Give me friends...beautiful kind friends who spot you 
wake you...give a coffee scent to... hope of today
when your soul is just too tired to wake
your body to beaten to rise and you just desperately need a reason to rise
"fall down 7 but get up 8"