Sweeter Than Sweets Family Love Easter Treats
Sweeter than Sweets
Family Love Easter Treats
Springing thoughts arose in my mind
Like the coolness of brooks through a
Meadowland kind
Easter is coming, along with grandkids,
Grams and Gramps host to the season's
Sweet bids
Of family potlucks and Easter Egg Treats
Along with granola, there will be
Those sweets
Milk chocolate bunnies, little
Foil wrapped eggs
A wonderful race of the teams
On three legs
Baskets of Easter eggs hid round
The yard
And sweet memories of sweet
Family accord
This year, the children in prep
Will begin
What Grams N' Gramps hope is
A new tradition
Each child will prepare a fun
Gift for each other
Be it cousin, young aunties
And each sister and brother
Fourteen gifts each will these
Busy hands make
Of cute Easter crafts or
Cookies to bake
And then all these treasures
From each little heart
Will go into those baskets,
Each one will impart
A gift which is given with
Love, and indeed
We hope this will grow from
The humblest seed
To flourish sweet fruit on our
Family Tree
Provoking love's kindness in
Fond memory
And so in my grandmother's
Heart and my soul
We're busily working toward
Reaching that goal
Remembering Christ came to
Give and partake
Of the glorious goal that He
Would not forsake
As we celebrate Christ, His gift
To each one
Who accept the sweet gift
Of our Father's dear Son
We hope that the children
As long as they live
Realize that it's sweet to receive...
And to give!