Sweets For the Sweet
There’s a nip in the air and it’s time to be scary
as goblins and gremlins abound;
monsters, the un-dead, in hideous costumes
who stumble, yet don’t make a sound.
But Hannah and he went as Arthur and Guinevere,
friends ever since second grade,
thinking that they would get oodles of loot
for the cute little couple they made.
Appealing to parents, romantics at heart,
who had suffered too much from the gore,
they were stately and regal, dressed up to the nines,
representing two sweethearts of yore.
Judging by weight, and the shape of their booty,
they got way far more than their share,
jack o’ lanterns were sputtering, sparklers died out
as they strolled, hand in hand, through the square.
Sifting through carefully, sorting their stuff,
he was looking for two Hershey’s Kisses,
he found two in bottom, beneath a crushed Kit-Kat,
an omen, a moment of bliss.
They ate them in silence as he walked her home
‘neath the oak trees on Old Orchard Grove,
on that chill Autumn eve as he kissed her good night
they felt warmth, the first inkling of love!