Swept Away
Pain and disappointment were becoming my friends,
My friends were with me constantly, always present, never relenting,
Emotions were quickly giving way to hopelessness.
There would never be joy, happiness would be fleeting,
Hope had been swept away.
The greatest struggle for any living being is survival
Love does not accept demise easily
Without warning Love finds a crack,
There will be hope, there will be joy, dreams come true.
Over the hill of my existence, strolling with refined elegance,
exhibiting no rush, speed is not a concern,
the laziness of beauty lights the fire of intrigue,
dormant for an era, still viable, smoldering not yet extinct.
Like crested curls of the ocean, the caress of desire,
widen the crack to canyon. Love never dies.
The graceful flow of hope initiates a sunrise,
Slowly climbing in my life’s night sky. Love never fails.
Over the mountains of hurt, through the depths of pain,
the warm glow of excitement, searches for reasons to remain.
Excitement wanders over the landscape, leaving meadows of anticipation.
Pressured past persists, but potential prevails.
The melody returns, gliding on rhythm,
slow, sweet, sensual. The flow defines exquisite.
The breathe of intimacy constraints the hearts,
into a fluidity, only known in this moment but reaching for a future.
Every heart beat, two fade, in silence to all, they cry together.
The gentleness of lovers, heals the scars.
The intimacy of soul-mates, ignites the dreams.
The rapport of friends, draws the souls.
The belief of hearts, revives emotions.
Swept Away is us captured.
Swept Away is us.
Swept Away is.
Swept Away.