Love Poem: Swept Away Unfindable

Swept Away Unfindable

I am the un-find-able ...the hidden now
But outside the wild winds still blow 

I know lighter leaves in brighter hues still swirl 
move and gyrate to the beat of music 
arms and leaf tips in the air
hips and form flowing like the river around rocks
winding boldly over the slightest of hills and down again

They live in hope –with hope 
that rises up and bursts forth in them ...fluttering of butterflies

they sweep out the preverbal door

How sweet it was!
 the ecstasy of youth filled hope...each day a new shiny discovery!
Each night filled with starlight and street light and dazzle of white lights off wet pavement
potential brimming forth...the froth and foam of it!
washing them crystal clean...They await
and being 
- to be made in a moment 
–to be found more significant than the others
-to be a leaf......singularly found and lifted up among leaves

I taste it still in my dreams 
you come to me as you did then...and we swing up fluid as a vine 
and ride on mighty dark and wondrous steeds
we ride...into the thick of dark green mossed filled forests
ducking away with ease from the clawing limbs 
that sought to dethrone us

Awake...I close my eyes 
and rock
...whisper just audibly enough for me to hear
“Hi Ho Silver! and away!”