Symphony of the Deaf
Symphony of the deaf,
Is the harmony of the soul,
Creating vibes of peace,
Establishing one as a whole.
The love of the heart,
Is the reason for life,
Unconditional and selfless that
Making one more alive.
Beautiful, tranquil the weather
Now the heart opens its eyes,
The rising sun & the blue sky
As the birds takes off into the
Then the sun sets,
And the clear sky shines with
glittering stars,
Away from us by infinite miles,
Yet by looking at it, content we
We're in love,
But the brain forgets,
Yet the heart remembers.
Just like the blue sky that we
can't reach,
Yet they speak to us the
language of peace.
We're in love,
As the melody inaudible to the
Sounds more beautiful.
Even if the glittering stars are
not near,
We'll always be in love.