T.G.I. F!
Can I see him now…
Today is Friday, have you forgotten it?
Can I see her now…
Today is Friday, have you forgotten it?
I won’t take no as an answer,
Today is Friday, have you forgotten it?
I want to embrace them, both of them.
I can see in their eyes, they want to embrace me, too.
I missed them a lot. Thank God, today is Friday!
Have you forgotten it?
I don’t need to challenge what you’ll say,
For today is Friday, have you forgotten it?
Thou, we know that they’re ours, forever;
But today till Sunday, they’re only mine.
I’ll cook his favorite riz Cantonese;
And, I’ll make a Cesar’s salad, her weakness.
I can do it better, than anyone else, you’ll see;
I’ll provide them the best thing a father can give.
Simply, ‘cos I love them, my own blood, with all my heart
Thank God, today’s is Friday! Have you forgotten it?
Come on kids, hop into my taxi;
And we’ll go to my place, your old home.