Table of Thougth
A table of thought a chain reaction
of ruthless thug taking what they need to feel love
Drug addicted dead in the street for all the love in his veins he couldn't keep
Mine mine only if a helping hand could let the blind see
guns are rose a fantasy that when your there you can’t see
This is love.. angry and mad
Can I said am sorry yet I still love you forgive me for forgiveness sake
A murderer is on the loose he is in your body its up to you when you let him loose
carry me my leg wont let me go in to battle
I like to roam with the cattle
my thoughts are not my own
A brain you have yet someone else's you own
I hate the world no one knows me
a mirror doesn't recknize me
A feeling that I feel yet feels not really
The truth is today is not today your heart and life is fake