Take Great Care
Hold your head high my Son
For this cut will heal, what’s done is done
As time follows on you will learn
There is much hurt, but love you’ll yearn
Gifted with the feeling of pain
Cursed by the effect, love will drive you insane
When the time comes, hold her dear
With you by her side, she’ll have nothing to fear
Such a tender heart beating inside you
I just know the skies above will never remain blue
I’ll be there ‘till the day I die
Helping you every step of the way, until you can fly
I will always do what you think is best
Comfort, in the knowledge you can do the rest
Unconditional is the love for my boy
I’ll never break your heart, just like your best toy.
Be the man I know you are
Learn from my mistakes, trust me you’ll go far