Take No Thought
Take no thought for your life,
What you shall eat or what you shall drink.
Is not your life more than that of meat?
Behold, the birds of the air
Are fed by God our Heavenly Father.
So, neither do they gather, sow nor reap.
Now aren't we much better than they?
Take no though for your body,
What you shall put on or be your measure.
Is not your body more than stature and clothes?
Consider the lilies of the field;
They toil no, neither do they spin.
Yet, God arrays them and the flower grows.
How much more shall He provide for us of the faith?
Take no thought for tomorrow
And all the things that the world seeks after.
Does not your Heavenly Father know your need?
So seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness,
And all these things shall be added to you
That you beg not, neither be forsaken nor your seed.
How much more then should we patiently wait?
Take no thought and be anxious for nothing;
Tomorrow will worry for things of its own.
Does not each day already have enough trouble?
So in everythng by prayer and supplication
With thanksgiving make your requests known to God
Each day that you and Peace be as a couple.
Now isn't today that tomorrow you feared yesterday?