Take Us To Church
Professional spiritual developers
are sometimes called clergy
and not farmers
or fishermen
or organic gardeners.
Professional nature-spirit Rescuers
of Earth's outdoor-indoor
healthy secular with wealthy sacred
are sometimes called body-mind co-facilitators.
Occasionally ZeroZen Zone
Red YangEgo
with Green YinEco-facilitators
of DNA with RNA
past through long-term future
WinWin solidarity,
polypathic integrity,
resilient resonance ego/ecotherapists
of co-incidental gratitude;
not so much privilege
and supremacy
and bullying self-promotions.
Spiritual leaders growing ego with eco love,
nature-facilitators growing health,
find renewing personal resilience
through weakness,
LoseLose iconic grief and shame and self-blame rituals,
as well as past embodied strengths, WinWin gratitudes
positive attitudes
supporting mind strengths
of transparent caregiving and receiving relationship,
not so much re-investment in disembodied weaknesses,
chilled and clouded absence
from fully invested interdependence days
and nights.
Leaders liberally activate love
while EarthTribe followers
co-facilitate defensively conserving
and absorbing sounds of anger and fear
honing conservation tools for discernment
without hoarding ballistic weapons
leading toward future hatred,
relieved death,
distressed terror,
chronic anxiety,
entropic dissonance,
complexity of chaos
rather than resilient resonance
of hope for peace.
Liberal with love,
conservative with negative energy.
Two faces
of one nature-spirit
body-mind facilitated organic growth
toward PositivEnergy Democratic Development--
goodfaith multiculturing Trust.
Yet without too fast reactivation
even in SpringSprint lavish pouring out.
Better to be remembered
as love activists
and anger conservationists
than rebuked for springtime
empty-headed activism
followed by autumnal
Facilitating both body wars
and mind wisdoms
comes from Northern winter winds.
One is a bipolar reductivist voice.
Other is more PositivEnergy
dipolar love inductivist
of spirit-natured positive complex choice
and not against
active ego-ecotherapeutic curiosity
of and for growing EarthTribe privilege of love
strength of grace
health-flowing wealth
of LeftEgo with RightEco
bilaterally co-arising
deep learning ego/eco-consciousness
of copresent secular/sacred Communion.