Take Wing
Young and innocent, I bow to you who are above me
Your heart is out of reach and so I just adore thee
I imagine and daydream of a summer when you hold me close
Protecting me from any harm that crashed upon out coast
But I just look on, my feet frozen below my lonely being
Eyes drawing me into an unending daze of awe and for-seeing
I am forever stuck in a spiral of unreturned adoration
I cannot move; I dream of admiration
A small fire it lies beneath my feet breaking me free from the ice
I take a step close as I part my lips for you to hear words so nice
The words I speak fill the meadow with my sweetest dream
You response is a soft voice, your lips like a strawberry cream
No longer do I have to cry or wait, no longer have felt the sting
I can feel you hold me close and part of me is released taking wing
Closing my eyes I relax into your soft body of warmth and protection
You let me move; I envy the admiration