Love Poem: Take Your Man
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Written by: Memphis Stacks

Take Your Man

"Take Ur Man" is written all over her perky body
The short shorts she wears
The evil in her laugh
The grin on her face when his arm flexes
With a body made to wrap around a man
Lips soft and eager to explore
Make sure ur man is s3xually satisfied
"Take Ur Man" is hidden behind her eyes
Love & Attention is what she seeks
Lust is what she attracts
Daddy issues cause the legal age gap
Her name means beauty in Italian
Make sure they r never alone together
Her self confidence is ur problem not hers
She knows she is hot & so does he
"Take Ur Man" is dripping down her thighs
U better hope u drained him properly
He better fall asleep before u do
Her night shirt says "Husband's Love Me"
As u begin to feel selfish and unavailable
She finds him, giving u space
Trust this nom de plume when I say....
She has "Take Ur Man" written all over her