Love Poem: Taken For Granted
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Written by: Courtney Dyer

Taken For Granted

Never cherished
Taken for granted
More often than not
No one truly has seen
The beauty that lies
Inside my heart 
When I love someone
Every breath I breathe
Is only for my love
So I can spend one more
Moment giving them a tender
Kiss or loving embrace
I cannot live without their love
It is like life saving oxygen 
That I would perish without

So every year that passes
Little pieces of my heart die
I struggle for every breath
For every love that comes my way
Comes with a double edge sword
For my desire I must always pay a price
Abuse is the only kind of love I have known
It either comes in the form of neglect
Comes in the form of battering my body or
Lastly it comes by the battering of my soul
Through words of emotional abuse that are uttered
I have been left a damaged, incomplete woman that 
Does not know how to recognize anything but dysfunction

Love is our reason for living
But, love forsakes so many
The world is a lonely place
Many people don't have
Someone to love them
They sleep alone without
A lover to embrace them
They have no one with which
They can share a meal 
No one to hold them 
When they cry
No one to hold their
Hand when they are ill
No one to stand by them
When the road they are 
On gets a little bumpy

If you are fortunate 
Enough to be loved
Cherish what you have
Been blessed with
Hold on to it tight 
Never letting it go
Treasure the gift that has
Been bestowed upon you
Always let your love know
How much they mean to you
You never know if that will
Be the last time you see them
Our life span has no guarantees
Live every day like it is your last
Put an end to your searching
Because what lies before you
Is where you will find true utopia