Taking Dinner To My Mother
It was her breast I suckled on
Her lap that I gladly sat upon
T'was her who banished all my fears
The one who wiped away my tears
Taught me right from wrong as a lad
Made us a loving family with my dad
Washed, fed us and dressed us well
If things went wrong she didn't yell
Made time for a game or to read us a book
Sometimes she would let us help her cook
Many good cooks around but there is no other
Who compares with the cooking of my mother
Home cooked meals are impossible to beat
More mum puts on the plate, more you eat
Whether she cooks cakes, fish, lamb or game
There is no one around who can cook the same
For years she fed me breakfast, lunch and dinner
I enjoyed every meal because each was a winner
I loved my meat, roasts and even my vegies too
Nothing was better than mums three day old stew
Mum and dad worked hard and we were never wealthy
Thanks to mum's cooking we grew up strong and healthy
Christmas time was fun, lots of food and plenty of cheer
Women eating pudding and custard, men drinking beer
Sadly though, all this will soon be a thing of the past
Time goes by, nothing good in the world can ever last
Mum's getting older now, slowing down a bit more each day
Been about four years now since dear old dad passed away
She won't be here forever, one day she will go to her Maker
Hope its a few years yet though, before the angels take her
I'm so busy these days, wish I had more to go and see her
Really miss dear old mum, her kitchen and delightful aroma
Never able to thank mum enough for being so loving and kind
As we get older we wish some of the years we could rewind
When she gets old and frail and needs to depend on another
I'll enjoy preparing, cooking and taking dinner to my mother