Talk To Your Grandparents
There's something important I would like to stress,
as a piece of advice, from the top of my head.
It might sound small now, but nevertheless,
one day when you've grown up, it will make sense;
Talk to your Grandparents.
Ask them a question, another and more.
Ask them what this world was like before.
Inquire of Life, Love and of marriage.
They've been there, they've lived it, and would love to share it.
They'll talk to you gladly, if you lend an ear.
They may make your day, and you'll make their year.
It will be like discovering the best long-lost friends,
if you talk to your Grandparents.
There's something important I would like to say;
Visit, or phone, do it now, and today.
I promise the greatest of disappointments,
is time passing by when you don't know it went.
So don't miss this chance, before it's been spent,
to talk to your Grandparents.