Love Poem: Tangled Vines
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Written by: Peter Kiggin

Tangled Vines

Tangled vines 

Enter the sacred garden and taste the ripeness of fruits long awaiting your touch 

Embalm me in your scent and I never will forget we hungered so much 

I feel the smoothness of our bodies tangled like the new vine to fill our love cup

We rejoiced together in the pools of each others eyes a new love that opened the blossoming heart up 

We lay together dreaming of the future never wanting to let go of the fruits passion as we kissed through the night frightened of what keeps inside in trust 

My love was boundless and I forgot the fruits needed to be handled tenderly with intense appreciation that no bruises would spoil such 

As young as we both were we had tasted much of this wine without regard for the emotional content shared to grow new fruits from which were starved and drying like lust 

I pass by our garden every single day and see the dying vine that was us. 
