TaoMaster ComPassion
always do your best to reveal
only what is already known pleasure
and passionately loved
Nature’s kindness
and spirit-restoring justice,
trusted truth as peaceful beauty,
loving abundantly rich healthy life
and sufficient death.
what do we love about death?
Should I not know any probable response
I would be always and everywhere mute
rather than offend this Golden Rule
of TaoTime's Wu-Wei Mastery.
Beauty in dissociated Yang death,
ego's ZeroZen-Soul disinterest in dipolar love
BiCameral depolarizing love-life
and in
and of
and for
EarthBody's LeftLiberal EcoMythos
midway loving
AnthroMind's RightConserving EgoLogos.
deep ecologically analogical
polyculturing multi-polypathic
reiterating trans-religious wellness
regenerating swelling revolutionary waves
healing lose-ego/lose-eco trauma wounds
through nondual coarising
MindPassion/BodyPleasure Promise.
always do your best
revealing ego’s only truly safe investments
in Earth’s regeneratively healthy pleasure,
already both known and loved,
abundantly rich organic life,
Beloved Wealth Communities
in Cooperative Health Networks.
Co-defined as not-not(0)-soul,
appositionally coarising dipolar nondual prime absence
of positive co-relationship
Lose MindPassion
to lonely Lose BodyPleasure
dissonantly co-absent
chronic stress
sleep deprived
over-yanged so over-yinned
LeftBrain ego-monotheistic
empirical Yang v Yin
AnthroMind v EarthBody
win/lose deadly
degenerative dominance
recognizes and is fed by
great and small win/win
Yang/Yin reconnecting transitions
great revolutions with smaller evolutions
toward +1Ego/-(-0)sum Eco equivalence,
trans-integrations of potential paradigmatic transmutations
through lovely left crown light
and dualdark right rooted transparency,
co-gravitating nondual integrity,
YangSelf as YinOther CoGovernance
time’s diverse inter-religioning
AnthroCrown and EarthRoot chakra networks
Co-intelligently respond to depolarizing trends
neuro-sexsensory transition turns
in interdependently symbiotic networks
increasingly Yang/Yin
+x/-(-y) co-binary regenetic
stress reducing
systemic-trauma informed
political and economic redevelopment
nondualistic therapeutic
passionately healthy
and safe pleasure wealthy
co-governing cooperative stewardship environments.
ReGenerative anomaly,
as a Positively Deviant Nutritional Event,
becomes more likely
as devolutionary win/lose trends reverse
away from overly monoculturally-yanged
A peak revolutionary critical-event
win/win co-opportunity coarises,
opening cognitive-affective autonomic freedoms to adapt by learning
a more resonant ego/ecopolitical center
rather than win/lose BusinessAsUsual
autonomic pre-programmed 0-sum polarization
a form of heuristic historic unhealth Yang
unsafe unwealthy dis-Yintegrating pathology door
of YangAnthroMin v YinEarthBody climatic trauma crisis
re-ligiously stretching
re-connecting through +1ego/non(0)sum
eco-political and economic ecologies.
This regenerative pattern of ebb and flow toward evolving time of balance
may apply to exterior landscapes
of regenerating cooperative ecosystems
or interior landscapes
of ecoconsciously networking biosystems.
our ZeroCentered deep ecological learning system
returns to most recent tipping points of former confluence
where there is now AnthroDNA v. EarthRNA
degenerative win/lose 0-sum
non co-binary
irreligious ambivalence
to induce revolutionary crown/root chakra
resonant regeneralization
recovering parallel ecological-analogical
EarthTribe patterns of cooperative polycultural evolution.
Hung weaves in
as Sau breathes out, again,
until notnot home exhales farewell
to absence of Earth’s ecstatic light-elation,
back toward Omega’s dense rich-forming harmonies
corevolving cells regenerating
densely reiterating holonic memories
coarising love as Tao's space/time
body/mind repeating through Earth’s wet-blown
organically co-binary electron/neutron
primally speaking with nondual
yang/yin coarising regenerative co-intelligence.
where you speak, learn to sing in harmonies,
where you walk, learn to dance in rhythmic bilateralities,
when you breathe, re-member both YangCrown-in and YinBody-out,
until ego is done within agape
of co-arising re-ligioning nonduality,
absent Promise of egoYang
dissonant death
reflecting warm light Yintegrity
living resonant love