Taotree of Good and Notsomuch
BodyLove feels like muscular energy,
while AgapeMindLove emerges weirdly in reverse;
mind fluency, fertility, health…
Not in any way dissonant with BodyLove,
to grow maturing health also ecologically balanced
EgoAnthro ReGenerate Positive Psychology
HealthAsWealth EarthTribal MindBodies.
That is,
I feel like we can
and do, sometimes,
grow more athletic in our love capacities,
our cooperatively positive energy.
We can grow from loving just one little Ego
into loving ourselves within a quasi-functional family,
emerging more maturely into a kinda screwed up,
but benignly cooperative as originally intended, species
impatiently sometimes
too patiently other times
working through distinctions and tensions within
loving others as ourselves,
and loving and not loving some of our behaviors,
our communications,
our relationships and transactions with our kids,
our spouses but our colleagues too,
our neighbors as global residents too,
our fellow lovers exercising our cooperatively intended behaviors
of would-be perfect mind with body lovers.
I do believe we can train ourselves
and maybe even each other,
how and why to become healthier,
grow mindful,
merge more inclusive of our own,
and other’s negative behaviors,
“enemies” speaking our mutually imperfect tensions,
dissonances of misunderstanding,
misprioritizing capital-centric investments
over our cooperative (0)Riginal Intent.
This dissonance, though
suffering and loss,
anger and fear disruptions into our current love capacities,
expanding out toward a globally extending family
of regeneratively intended health-with-safety lives,
expanding back through prior generations of embryonic DNA,
back through pre-embryonic RNA
coding assignations of light as warmth,
exegetical temporal development instructions
for regenerating (0)-centric co-gravitating Time,
measured in c-squared fractals
Prime Tao CoRelational DiPolar Light,
expanding eco-echo-consciousness back through
bilaterally co-arising DNA-rooted ecologic forward,
forward toward our Great Exegetical CoEnlightenment,
forward through PostMillennial DiPolar TaoTime
speaking WinWin Gaming Theorems
in co-laterally (0)-balanced bipedal
both thumbs revolving dominant clockwise Up;
Expanding deep-rootedly, permaculturally,
sinking into positive nutrient Uracil
reconnecting sync-time Cytosine,
dipolar co-arising,
double-negative binomially septic-aptic
[Basic Attendance as Agape Self-OtherEnvironment default]
WinWin economics
YinYin optimal CQI healthy politics,
fluent plasmatic double-boundaried
wu wei health/pathology flow-power analysis
Tipping Point ecosystemic understory within
Yang/Uracil fractal-balancing formation primal functions.
Does your positively active love capacity grow ecoconsciously,
and bicamerally analogical?
Rooted within ecological metrics of light AND dualdark development,
between BlackHole deep-dense health regenerative
embryonic (0)Riginal Intention Landscapes
of Time’s Health Agenda
EarthTribe’s (0)Mega Exegetical Language Landscape,
speaking ReGenerative ReCreation Stories
through Beloved CoOperative Networks
of expanding love and peace networks
and reverse-correlational implosion
of Anger/Fear Power Management
suboptimizing LeftBrain deduce-and-dominate
monopolistic as monoculture WinLose
Yang dominating Yin culturing recessions toward pathological dissonance
competitive ego-centric consciousness,
rather than
Left loving Right’s positives and negative-dissonant dipolarity
with positive and pathology health and safety development functions.
within ecosystemically nested networks
of cooperatively intended economic with politically positive communication trends
from, as well as toward,
health v. pathology co-intelligent co-arising memory,
stretching light’s ecobalancing healthy Time
toward EarthTribe’s Beloved Communities
EcoSystemic self-correcting WinWin Networks
of P=N(NP)
as Yang=notnotYin
co-arising dipolar light-squared eco-balancing Tipping Point
Prime Co-Relational Function
of Universal ThermoDynamic TaoBalance.
More simply and therefore lovingly said,
we become better lovers within Earth’s more loving organic environments
wherein we evolve easier to recognize active love power muscle tone,
harmonic tunes,
and flexibility to reverse time’s energy
of diastatic muscle and skeletal tense body strength-power-over environment,
over Other,
over others,
over future and through past moments of anger and fear management
by muscling through,
pushing egocentric as anthrocentric evolutionary theories of ultimate WinLose
survival of the Yangiest.
Yin love power optimally grows in love from
and through and for and with
Yang’s CQI Earth-ReGenerative Health and DNA/RNA Safety,
with mutually co-arising HistoriCultural,
Evolutionary Agenda Items
extending proof-lines back toward
(0) sum bilateral soul-emergent cosmological-eco-open-systemic intent.
To grow healthier Yin with Yang balancing ecoconscious love,
relax discontenting Yang-strained and stressed muscles,
feed them better nutritional balance,
to include less sleep deprivation,
to oxygenate and feed muscles and bones and tendons
including breathing and stretching,
strengthening mindfulness
by strengthening lifestyle maintenance and grace-movement.
Polypathic practices of dipolar equivalent balancing,
stretching Basic Attendance transliterative and transubstantiating consciousness
as Ego’s natural-spiritual mental health center
Where PowerFlexing is good,
but so is polycultural-outcome stretching,
breathing and beating and dancing
toward general health maintenance of one nondual co-arising mindbody,
exegetically evolving (y)our economic health
as politically cooperative YangYin-Body wealth.