Love Poem: Tapestry
Gregory Colodub Avatar
Written by: Gregory Colodub


Thank you, love, for the advice 
Think it goes a bit too far
I am not a womanizer
Never envied those who are
I’m not cynical on women
Never did I criticize
Their hunting, their scheming
Their truth and their lies, 
I just let my life to happen
It’s not something that I owe
At their turn the people step in
Afterwards they have to go
Yes it might be not the best
Way to apprehend what follows
But I never did request
More than I can bear and borrow
To provide this strange adventure
Which directs me to unknown 
Kind of tapestry, well textured
To the place I’d call my home. 
You must know how much I love you
There’s no reason to defend
Love’s a shoreline that is true
To the waves that you descend.