Tarry Not Time Is Running Out
Sight within this scroll on parchment
Lift your head up to the vapors above
See the messengers with harps and wings
Let the hypocrites have no sight upon these scrolls
Educate the weak and lowly let them hear theses sounds
Give sight to them so they may see the blood
On this scroll of parchment that John spoke of
His written word of three of the sixteenth on this scroll
His father gave to all his only son that all may believe
That life will last through eternity forever more
This free gift given written in blood for all
If the tarry through time it may expire being to late
They with ears let them hear these sounds of God
Calling all to his side of righteousness through
This blood ridden parchment with a crown of gold
Bare no cross for he hung upon it until his death
For All