Taters and Maters
I say taters instead of potatoes
I say maters instead of tomatoes
My tongue is full of hillbilly idioms
I often say yeah when some would say yes
Sometimes I say “I reckon” when what I mean
Is I suppose this or that is best
I hear hearts instead of words or phrases
It is often the feelings expressed
That brings my mind the final conclusions
I hear the spirit flowing from the light,
The vitality that draws me in
Is the love that I see shining, glistening
Dazzling my heart with its gentleness
Its endless beauty found in love’s sentiments
I seek wisdom in the face of my Savior
It is His grace that brings me the greatest
Hope, the best blessings, the reasons
For listening to His word, His teachings,
The assurance of the faith that He has given,
Faith that abides within – where His grace
Reminds me that forever is within my grasp,
Eternity is endless, limitless, unbroken
By the end that comes to unbelievers
Yes, I’m a hillbilly
Yes, I’m sensitive to tenderness
Yes, I’m a believer – in everlasting peace
But, what I believe, most vehemently
Is that God’s love and grace
Will never leave me or forsake me
His Son, whom I praise – is the One
Whose spirit lives in me
And, because I know that He is alive
Inside my soul, where I know…
Intimacy with the very ONE I love
I will always be thankful, always, forever
Thankful for the grace of God,
Who loved me more than I could possibly think of!