Teach Me
I can’t think about what I don’t know
I can’t toss so far what I can’t throw
You’ve cleared up my world I wish you just knew
How many times you knew that I flew
No guys I know are anything like you
So honest, beautiful, and so true
Foggy windows cleared within my view
When you say I love you, no hesitating, I love you, too
Hearts beating almost completely as one
Love so strong, outweighs a ton
Laughter fading in and out
Finding you was definitely the right route
Missing you now like I missed you then
But therefore being with you I do win
I promise I will do as you ask
I promise I will take off my mask
Walking in your footsteps everyday
Listening to all of everything that you say
Floating to the Heavens with your kiss on my lips
Feeling like I’m in eternal bliss
Trust in me like I trust in you
Know in me like I know your true
Be the man I know that you can be
Open my eyes and please let me see
Stand by my side as I stand by your’s
Radiate our love from the ceiling to the floors
Blossom our relationship the best we can
Allow us to live in a greener land
Create our world the best we can
Don’t allow me to do what I used to do and how I just ran
Teach me completely of all that you know
Show me completely of all that you show
Talk to me softly as I hold your hand
Take me to your New Jersey land
Be my teacher and teach me to give
Be my guardian and teach me to live
I’ll teach you what I know and you’ll teach me what you know, too
And together we both can evolve into brand new