Tears For Relationship
Fears of Abandonment
I feel you need
and want me less
than I need
and want you,
and like you,
or how about exclusively
curiously love you?
adult with mature adult,
embracing EarthTribe perennial invitation
into nutritious co-habitation.
And yet I fear
we both would rather invest ourselves
in most any distraction,
idle gossip,
idol worship,
other than this sacramental relationship
of me with
and for you,
and you
with and for me.
Not despite all our decades
of competing foolishness,
but learning together through all our beat down
hidden longings
to feel safe daily respite;
to feed sacred partnered
sanctuary feelings,
covenanted thoughts
Of epic everyday co-investors
with no sacred or secular,
divine or profane assets
held in dualistic
disassociated reserve,
just in case life doesn't work out safely together
better than unsafely apart.
When sacred love conquers all defensive fears
and transparent invitation
redeems secular competitions in anger
overwhelming economies of needy greed
and selfish politics of envy,
When daily co-passion rules
not just left-brain corporate commodity identities
but also pervades our cooperative right-brain sanctuary
of primal relationship feelings,
deep learning connection,
robust attachment,
Then our mutual root system
and garden,
our forest of emotions,
our home plate defensive motions,
our core incorporations
for not abandoning compassionate Earth
as we know and love
all Her multiculturing incarnations
of co-empathic relations
further refine Golden Rules and Ratios,
Health-passion, slow-grown
co-arising emergent ecstasies,
co-gravity emoting climax,
epic wonder,
awesome win/win integrity.
Feeling cooperatively needed
through natural nurturing ego/ecosystems,
mutually-held and responsive invitations
to love all EarthTribes,
life forms
as EarthMother has win/win loved you
and me,
All Souls of regenerations past,