Tears I Have Cried
Tears I Have Cried
I have lived and loved before
But somewhere along the way
The part of loving forever
Died little by little each day
The little things of love
That keeps it growing strong
Somehow with passing time
Proved to make it all feel wrong
I lost my smile a little each day
The one that comes from within
Until one day it was just gone
I was not able to bring it back again
The lack of so many things
That can make a love grow stronger
Slowly faded into nothingness
Until the love I had was no longer
It is very lonely within my heart
The chambers echo with love lost
I would like to fill it back up again
But I wonder at what cost
I know time will heal all the pain
And the memories will subside
There will be a new life for me
And I will forget all these tears I have cried
Connie Moore
January 16, 2021