Tears Leave a Stain
Wiseman told me this day would end
He told me not to worry another one will begin
Wiseman told me not to carry this Long
He told me somebody's traveling the same road I'm on
Wiseman told me tears leave a stain
He told me that the clouds had a purpose in the rain
Wiseman told me how to comb my hair
How to walk my walk and say I just don't care
He told me how to laugh and stand alone
And how to walk through the crowd
Wiseman was wrong!
This day seems like it will never end
Feels the same as when it first began
There's no one traveling this road I'm on
And I've been walking it for so damn long
And the clouds don't ever bring no rain
But the tears do leave a stain
Yeah the tears do leave a stain
Michael Haley