Tears Now Soak the Pillowcase
Tears now soak the pillowcase where once you laid your head
I am weeping uncontrollably now that eulogies have been said,
And since you are gone with the wind, I know you are really dead.
I cannot stop sobbing, and my sodden dreams will go on forever
Just as I know our love will go on forever and forever, however,
It is clear to me, now, that we were never meant to be together
Forever, my dearest darling, I know in heaven you are crying tears
Up there somewhere…salty tears flow into your sweet, lovely ears,
So much so, that "my achy, breaky heart" * can find no cheers.
I shall preserve this pillowcase in plastic to allay my recurring fears
I knew our love was not meant to last, I am weeping in my beers,
For you have gone away from me, and I am drowning in my tears.
Written July 12, 2021
For “The Goblin’s Jewel Box 1” Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Jack Webster
"Broken Heart" Poetry Contest
All Poetry - October 20, 2021
[* with a nod to Billy Ray Cyrus]