Love Poem: Bodhisattva Tease
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Bodhisattva Tease

Do you share my concern 
that your happiness and healthy life 
are too ephemeral,

No! Why? Do you know something I should know?

Not likely.
Just wondering,
awed by your capacity,
your relentlessly positive 
EarthAgapic energy for healthy life,
despite the odds of too-soon 
EarthTribe's demising
failture to robustly AnthroEros thrive

Due to polarizing
untransubstantiated reiterations
of polymathic +1 CoMessianic Erotic 
monotheistic salvation
and -(-0) Bodhisattva Agapic 
panentheistic co-redemption.

These verbal distinctions become complex undifferences
because of our continuing struggle with Yang dominating 
Yintegral co-submissions

AnthroSupremacist ErosMind 
dominating Agape's WholeEarthBody synergy,
co-empathically responding 
by becoming an integrally engaged 
climate-change empathic b-itch
as differentiated from
efficient business as usual witch,
gambling Eros's addictive switch 
to penetrating snarky itch

I can’t find a more civilized English translation
for moral yintegrity’s agapic anger 
against yang’s monotheistic eros

Not just in patriarchally scriptured books 
and during matriarchal tea time,
although those do come immediately to mind,
but also more politically, 
systemically resonant,
co-intelligent peaceful co-passion pleasures, 
if you will.

Which reminds me,
what is your relationship,
if any, between boredom, basic empathy, and bliss?

Other than all those bees,
it seems basic agape lies between 
apathetic blue boredom 
and red-hot erotic bliss,
a midway, or tipping point, perhaps

Of curbing yin’s inclusive liberal excesses 
of win/win internalization
with yang’s excesses of win/lose 
conserving master-elation

Which is very nice, and beautiful,
but can feel overwhelming 
for Agapic NonBusiness As Inclusively Usual,
everyday wear and tear purposes

As basic attendance neither grasps for agape,
nor despairs of eros’s whimsical absence,
lack of phero-moaning interest
in whatever you're offering 
for nurturing more dissonant poles

Eros-AnthroMind v Agape-EarthBody pathology
of my monotheistic investment 
in our more panentheistic infestment.

We want what’s healthiest for right now,
appropriately wealthy co-empathic engagement
to EarthBody’s sacred erotic choices,
most certainly including each other’s
agapic AnthroMind voices

Dissonantly imperfect Yang/Yin love,
always both too panentheistically gooey,
and monotheistically prickly,
and yet never yin deep and yang stable enough 
to fully engage -(-0) soul's
insatiably curious eros
quenching ravenously sacred agapic thirst
to feel +1 whole-sum

Communing with my imperfect life,
or even my personal Eros/Agape agenda,
my red hot issues for our immediate blue climate day,
or trying for green resilient equivalence

Eros/Agape intelligence,
our co-infested intent
basic co-empathy of everyday bodhisattvas
hosting a civilized and peace-restoring tea
but without sufficient erotically hot water,
unjust climate yet.

Having all ingredients,
resources needed 
for such a dignified and worthy undertaking,
while our best benign hosting intentions evaporate,
undermined by failure to establish yintegrity's foundation,
a sacred presence of co-engagement

Agapically panentheistic
EarthTribal everyday co-passionate events,
DNA and RNA dialectical,
but also big win/win political AnthroMind
and economic EarthBody
systemic re-connecting events 
of erotic salvation +1 ego-history
and agapic co-redemptive -(-0) eco-mystery

Peak experienced together 
re-generative co-binary expression
re-ligioning articulation,
re-connecting transaction,
transporting buddha reformation 

Tao's Eros/Agape sacred time
sharing our mutually-held Basic -(-0) gestalt,
for and with myself and Other
cbodhisattva healthy climate warriors

Including co-empathic Others 
in Earth’s re-ligiously worthy Tribes
discussing systemic communication
for our larger co-redemptive 
Tao tea-time 
repurposing agenda

Water for basic panentheistic baptism
is polyculturally re-cognized
 as our shared thirsty heritage 
of Earth-misanthropic un-agapic history,
becoming Earth’s erotic language biosystems 
steeping our sacred re-genetic tea leaves
in and through EarthMother’s co-empathic waters.

Most certainly including a proper tea
lived, loved, and communicated therapeutically
within EarthTribe’s co-empathic trust

+1 AnthroEros feeding
and breeding  -(-0) EarthAgape 
copassionate re-ligioning peace pleasures

Co-extending back and forth
toward shared peak experiences,
including bodhisattva teas
for climate cooperativity.

Monotheistic historical scars 
awake yin’s too panentheistically dormant flow

Swinging to and from
yintegrating felt familiar tribalisms 
agapically extending toward 
Yang’s eros-dominating empiricism

EmpireBuilding patriarchal mono-totalitarianism,
leading away from nature’s revolving midway equivalence
toward Yang’s ruthless AnthroMind lust
for “owning” bio and ecosystems

Disturbing cooperative basic attendance
toward sacred +1 erosMind = -(-0) agapicBody
resonant/resilient peace-making equi-valence

leading from Earth’s civil right to climatic ecobalance
not too-monotheistically dominated 
by historical empire-building
secularized monolithic competitions
to control Earth’s domestic
everyday erotic/agapic 
crown/root co-empathic events

Revolving bodhisattva co-empathy
cooperatively re-serving l
ove life’s warm poured out
co-passion pleasuring
peak peace re-ligioning
co-redemptive moments.

Do you share my concern that our tea is growing
blue nonsacred 
unerotic mortal Anthro-cold
and red polarizing 
nonagapic Earth too warm?

No. Why? 
Do you know something I should know?

No. Just wondering,
awed by your basic co-empahtic capacities,
your relentlessly positive energy 
for +1 monotheistic AnthroEros resilience

despite the warming climate odds 
of too-soon EarthAgapic love’s resonance
not yet co-redemptively equivalent
due to not(0)-zensoul's
bodhisattva demise.