Love Poem: Teddy Bears and Me
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Written by: Paula Goldsmith

Teddy Bears and Me

Teddy Bears play with me                                                                                              Bears bedtime do not flee                                                                                            It is time for some tea                                                                                                Oh no I need to pee

Bears bedtime do not flee                                                                                        Let's go play in the tree                                                                                                  Oh no I need to pee                                                                                                      I want crackers and brie

Let's go play in the tree
Bears you wearing a flea                                                                                          No flea I am with glee                                                                                               yes bears we can agree

Bears you wearing a flea                                                                                                It is time for some tea                                                                                                   Yes bears we can agree
Teddy bears play with me 

Date Written 6/17/2020
Syllables 6 with                       
 Rhyme Zone