Teen Earth Angel - Collaboration between Beryl Edmonds and Panagiota Romios
The warm, bubbling, thrills of my cherished first date
So innocent, so sparkling soft, is the kind hand of fate
Up at dawn to caress, my new shoes of patent leather
My feet felt no floor, for I was a teen angel with feathers.
My feathers took flight that first precious date night
It truly turned out to be love at first sight
Still, after years of angelic married bliss
I recall magic moments of our first kiss.
In the very bottom drawer of my golden vanity
An etched crystal box, sparkles as the sea
Petals of a rose corsage, worn on a once teen wrist
Scents, that make my cheeks, a gloriouus
Love for you is pure as the day it was born
Though my feathers have become tattered and worn.
At sound of your voice my heart accelerates
It takes me back to that fantastic first date.