Tell Me Why
If what I've done is love too much
too deep, and far too strong,
and languished in loves bitter touch
that stays with me too long
what hope have I to end in me
this love, to let it die?
When I know it will always be
but can not tell you why.
To hide it or to let it show
decisions of the heart,
when you've already seen and know
and did right from the start.
If all I've had is too much pain
whenever you are near
and let it show time and again
love that won't disappear
what hope have I of ending it?
Does real love ever die?
And so I let it show a bit
but cannot tell you why.
If all I've done is think on you
each minute of each day
and write your name a time or two
what hope is that some way
this love will ever cease to be
just stop? Just simply die?
This love that life has given me
but did not tell me why.
© Ron Wilson aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet