Love Poem: Tell Them What You See
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Written by: Curtis Johnson

Tell Them What You See

Tell Them What You See

Proverbs 25:11 KJV

There once lived a son who at the age of 30, telephoned his 58 year old father.
The son was distraught, dismayed, and depressed.  He was unhappy, unable, and unsure.

He said to his father, “Dad, this world is an awful place and so messed up”.  He was figuratively seeing dark clouds through dark glasses, and was surely disenchanted and disillusioned.

As he was describing to his father how he felt, and what he saw from where he sat, his father said to him, in a manner to offer a little hope, “That’s not what I’m seeing”.

In figurative terms, what was it that the father saw that the son could not see?  The father continued to give him comfort and advice.  After they were off the phone, these words came to the father:

“I see rain falling in season,                                                                                                      filling all available reservoirs.
I see snow capped mountains,                                                                                                  retaining snow in Winter,                                                                                                       to be released in Spring,                                                                                                       sending water to all”.

The father knew that he could not always rescue his son from bad decisions made,  nor even shield him from life’s stinging bees.  But he could always be there providing,  a “fitly spoken word”, just to tell him “what he sees”.

The father was then refreshed with the understanding,                                 that when a father has done all that he can do to help his sons                       and his daughters,  and there is little else or anything left that he can do,          he can always “tell them what he sees”.