This smoke in my eyes, subjects my mind to blur thoughts, wanna look closer, move more closer, I think my hearing is dissipating too, could I being disable, but I wanna see this, maybe touch and feel my impairment
Maybe I wanna put my hand in this cookie jar, maybe take a bite, maybe I'm just being led, being pulled maybe, can I be aided, before being engulfed by being human. Maybe all I wanted was to say "hi , maybe ask for a name
Lemme turn back and look where I came from, pretend to not hear the glaring noises and the mind boggling action behind. Can I permitted to say I fought, not attempted to be weak and human, please allow me a pass here, before my heart returns back, to the temporary urge of this adventure, for there I was tempted
Need I reveal more, the walk has attention capturing sites, I too , took a stare, paused for a while and listened to my thoughts and heart at each other's throats, maybe some little action, like predators faced with a prey, I too was there like the rest, tempted!
This was my human weakness, my temptations, to bite, to fullfil my right there desire, to say I too , as I wrote in my daily diary, I too temptations waved it's contagious hands at me