Love Poem: tempted 1 and 2 -

tempted 1 and 2 -

angel ...

    tread soft near me ...
 pray thee, tread light and soft
shall I yet awaken to the buffet of your wings?
 come, night, those diaphanous pinions
    to enfold me, trembling

bleed the will from my flesh ...
   dare you barter the moon to squander time
    with such a worldly creature as this?
   oh, what mortal madness be yet ours
your heavenly covenant in ruin

    to just once drink deep the mix of
 this callow mouth and thy starlit tresses, spilling ...
love forbidden and a passion, insatiate, draws naught but poison
 let that bane be our undoing ... our ardent curse
    entwined, delirious ... falling ... tumbling ...



    demoness ...

tread soft near me ...
   pray thee, tread light and soft
    shall I yet awaken to the warmth of your hellfire?
   I am your infernal progeny, birthed of you and heaven
I have been torn with your ire, rent and burned ...

    by the cold flames of your skin on mine
 dare you mix such immaculate flesh with this gypsy, forsaken?
I am thrall, with but a timid taste of your dark nectar ...
 oh, to pierce you with the keen blade of truth
    to slay your hot impiety, kill you with love

and sate the horrid heart's hunger.
   we swim the moonlight and each other ...
    bare and bold, torn and told of sacred secrets, gained in treason.
   let that lie be our salvation, for we rise in desire ...
we soar erotic, prurient, woven, interlaced ...


~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Strand Select O Any Form Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.