Ten Cents a Dance
She worked at a boozy ballroom, dancing for 10 cents a dance
Barely enough to eat and pay her rent in a rundown seedy hotel
So young, so alone raised by no one but herself
Oh, she had parents, but they didn’t see her, didn’t know or love her
She married the first guy who came along just to get away from home
But he abused her - used her, then left her all alone
Twenty two years old-
Alone, with two small children to care for
She needed someone…
Someone who would hold her - touch her tenderly with his heart
Someone to love her- love her children
Her brown eyes wishing, hoping - looking for love in stranger’s faces
Dancing for 10 cents a dance under shimmering ballroom lights
Swaying to and fro through dreamed filled hopes
With her closed eyes, she pretended as she danced
Fantasizing that he might be the one to save her- love her
When the music started she was in another world
Wishing he’d sweep her off her feet, take her away
So she could live like a lady and die like a flowering rose when her last petals fell
In the arms of one she imagines will be hers once and for all
To whisper velvet words of comfort as their feet grazed the floor
Under the melodic grace of the violins she pretended…
Hoping to find her hero, someone who’ll give her a chance
Just...for 10 cents a dance