Ten Commandments Made Succinct
Love God with heart's best; from Him don't depart
Bestowed on you is protective command
Triumphantly around promised land's rampart
Fulfill with faith, pleased by the Lord's demand.
Love your neighbor as yourself thru God's grace
Heavenly role midst golden rule indeed
Purged from sin's death wages and guilt's disgrace
Fulfill Saviour's statutes in word and deed.
Awed by the Almighty's glorious presence
I stand before Him humbled, yet grateful
Sealed with perpetual spiritual incense
For grand stewardship, joyously faithful.
"Love God and others"* is blessed commission
I strive to do so by His compassion.
*Luke 10:27 ...He (Jesus) answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
December 29, 2019
6th place, "Movie Magic" Poetry Contest
Chosen film: "The Ten Commandments"
Sponsored by Gregory R. Barden; judged on 3/21/2019.