Ten lines from my ten poems
My only dearie!
In you, I live my world so sweet.
Even the mirrors can't hide your beauty,
In my heart your love grows like planted seeds.
Happiness is what is seen in your mirror.
Even if your love keeps making my eyes shy,
I can never again decline.
Your love will just be my sole attraction.
To your heart I plead, be in my kingdom,
My heart has a space for your reign.
Each of the ten lines was from my following ten poems, with lines where each of them was originally written in brackets:
Line 1: 'Your vase filled my vase with love' (Line 52)
Line 2: 'Even a bit of you attracts' (Line 13)
Line 3: 'Allow wines to jailbreak' (Line 7)
Line 4: 'I am thankful for your care' (Line 8)
Line 5: 'Beauty perches on your face' (Line 11)
Line 6: 'Only your love I chose' (Line 10)
Line 7: 'I can never again decline' (Line 13)
Line 8: 'My kiss whispers love on your lips' (line7)
Line 9: 'The voice of love (Line 6)
Line 10: 'Even a bit of you attracts' (Line 19)