Love Poem: Tenacious Twilight

Tenacious Twilight

This poem was written by me and my boyfriend Joshua
S-stands for what I wrote and J-stands for what he wrote.

S-They danced one night
to the music,
holding each other so close.
J-In his mind he knows
he loves her,
but he's trying hard not to boast.
S-He can't hide his feelings
whenever he looks
into her eyes.
J-He'd rather be with her,
than be with all the guys.
S-Her Blue-Green eyes
take his breath away,
but little does she know,
J-the feelings inside him 
are growing,
it's hard to keep control.
S-He really wants to tell her
the secrets he keeps within,
J-but he has so much to tell,
he doesn't know
where to begin.